Hollywood is split over President Biden’s candidacy following his poor debate performance, with some top donors pulling support and sparking discussions about the future of his campaign.

A schism has arisen among Hollywood’s elite regarding President Joe Biden‘s campaign following his unimpressive performance in a recent presidential debate. Many of Biden’s celebrity supporters are still supporting him, but several of his most ardent backers, including Damon Lindelof and Barry Diller, have stopped contributing to his re-election campaign, suggesting a possible change in the political climate in Hollywood.

Hollywood Rift: Biden's Campaign Faces Turbulence After Disappointing Debate

For many politicians, Hollywood is a significant source of campaign cash. There are a lot of rich people in the entertainment business who can contribute a lot of money. Campaign expenses like advertising, planning events, and voter mobilization depend heavily on these revenues.

Loyola Marymount University election law expert Jessica Levinson stressed to the media the importance of Hollywood’s financial assistance for political campaigns. The university’s official website cited Levinson, an election law professor, as saying,

Deciding whether Biden can stay in the presidential race will come down to three things — Democratic Party leadership, the president’s polling performance and mood among big donors.

She pointed out that major funders pulling out of the race could indicate more serious problems for Biden’s reelection effort, affecting not only the money of his campaign but also the party’s general morale and tactical orientation.

She told the Los Angeles Times, “If your top funders jump ship, that is not just a pecuniary impact, but it is a tremendous signal to other individuals as well.” Just three weeks prior, at a star-studded gala organized by Jeffrey Katzenberg, a movie tycoon and co-chair of the Biden campaign, Hollywood donors contributed US $30 million to the Biden campaign.

But a crisis has been sparked by Biden’s recent debate fiasco, with some insiders accusing Katzenberg of misrepresenting the president’s age-related suitability for office. Some anonymous Hollywood powerbrokers expressed fury and a sense of betrayal among some contributors who believed Katzenberg had misled them about Biden’s talents, according to reports from various news agencies.

One powerful Hollywood Democrat, contributor, and power broker who wished to remain anonymous told the entertainment news portal The Wrap, What Jeffrey Katzenberg has done here is unbelievable. Jeffrey lied about the whole Biden incident. Everyone in Biden’s immediate circle was lying. What a hypocritical deed that is.

Important individuals who were once ardent supporters of Biden, such as Disney heir Abigail Disney and co-founder of Netflix Reed Hastings, demanded that he resign down last week. Democratic voters as a whole share this sentiment, and as a result, some are choosing to support congressional elections further down the ballot rather than the presidential campaign.

Democratic voters as a whole share this sentiment, and as a result, some are choosing to support congressional elections further down the ballot rather than the presidential campaign. The dispute brought to light conflicts within the upper echelons of Hollywood.

Some contributors have stopped giving, but others are still in favor or unsure. Katzenberg’s conspicuous absence from key campaign events after the June 27 debate further complicates the situation by casting doubt on his ability to continue playing a significant role and influence in Biden’s reelection efforts.

However, in what appears to be Biden’s most recent attempt to turn the tide and quell reports of him withdrawing for another candidate, Katzenberg participated in a conference call of significant donors on Tuesday morning, according to a report from Deadline Hollywood.

Hollywood’s internal strife is a microcosm of a larger Democratic Party controversy. Calls for Biden to step aside for a different candidate have been repeated by a few lawmakers and media sources.

Political experts and columnists have noted that even longstanding supporters of Biden, such as former California Senator Barbara Boxer, have voiced worries about his debate performance, implying that he has a short window of opportunity to demonstrate his capacity for effective leadership.

Biden’s supporters, including First Lady Jill Biden and former President Barack Obama, maintain that the administration’s accomplishments should not be overshadowed by a single dreadful debate, despite the growing pressure.

While the drama that was playing out highlighted the crucial role that Hollywood benefactors play in influencing political campaigns, many voters expressed their dissatisfaction with the celebrities who made an effort to garner a lot of media attention and influence the narrative.

Hollywood donors pressuring Biden demonstrates the affluent’s conceit, three letters to the editor were published by The Los Angeles Times on Tuesday.

President Biden might continue to run, or he might not. Regardless, I am sure it gives our NATO partners some peace of mind to know that blockbuster producers and movie stars are making important political decisions in the United States.

But that is what happens when people are forced to select the politician who has the greatest funding rather than the most qualifications.

Californian resident Bart Braverman stated in the letter.

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